Letter from the 2025 ILC President Doug Nelson

Welcome to the 85th Annual

Intermountain Logging Conference and Equipment Show

On behalf of the ILC Board of Directors team, I would like to welcome all of you to the 85th annual Intermountain Logging Conference.

The ILC Board has worked very hard to bring together this year’s conference focused on “Workforce Opportunities & Challenges”.   We hope the presenters will be impactful to your businesses and our logging industry as a whole.  We are confident that our conference will provide the necessary continued education for you to continue as certified professionals and hopefully will provide you with information and the atmosphere to help you to move your businesses forward to meet the challenges that we encounter operating in our great timber industry.   If this is your first ILC Conference, we would like to provide a special welcome to you into our ILC family where we catch up on old times, continue to develop old and new friendships and relationships, provide an atmosphere to network with other members of our logging and timber industry community, and benefit from the experiences and lessons of others. 

Our industry is changing at a very rapid pace.  Our conference strives to try to capture the most impactful changes and or challenges  and bring them forward to provide inciteful information for you to use to improve your businesses. 

There will be opportunity to comment on this years conference and topics.  Please take the opportunity to help us develop future conferences.  If you would like particular topics covered in the upcoming conferences, please partake in the opportunities to let the board know your thoughts and ideas.  

I would also like to send a huge thank you out to the equipment dealers, timber producers, and other sponsors that make this conference a success.  Please take this opportunity with the equipment dealers and sponsors to find out how they can benefit your businesses, that as a whole will benefit and strengthen our industry. 

Again, thanks again for joining us at the 85th Intermountain Logging Conference.  I am looking forward to speaking with you!

Doug Nelson

85th ILC President

Nelson Timber Management & Consulting LLC

Letter from the 2024 ILC President - Mac Lefebvre

Welcome to the 84th Annual

Intermountain Logging Conference and Equipment Show

On behalf of the entire ILC Board of Directors team, I would like to welcome you to the 84th annual Intermountain Logging Conference!

  The team has done a great job in assembling an agenda comprised of thought leaders from across the forest products industry.   As our industry is subject to the ever changing tides of weather, markets, and people, our mission strives to provide value to you in your daily decision making.  The theme this year is ‘Technology and Diversification’ which will help you build a more all-weather business, and provide insights to guide your evolution and growth.   

  We are excited to have Keynote Speaker Chace Barber of Edison Motors discuss electric log trucks and advancements in that technology.  In addition, the agenda includes safety discussion as well as firsthand accounts of lessons learned in the rapidly evolving cable assist operations, and much more!

  Please take time to check out the Equipment lot as well as visit our Exhibitors, hopefully you run into some old friends along the way.

A sincere thank you to all of those who have helped make the ILC what it is today, including exhibitors, equipment dealers, and sponsors, and last but not least, the entire ILC team.  We couldn’t do it without you!

 Enjoy the show! 

Mac Lefebvre

2024 ILC President

Letter from the 2023 ILC President

Welcome to the 83rd Annual

Intermountain Logging Conference and Equipment Show

  On behalf of the ILC Board of Directors and staff, I would like to welcome you all to the 83rd Annual Intermountain Logging Conference!

  The board and staff have committed considerable time and energy in building out a conference that meets our mission of maintaining and enhancing the forest products industry serving the nation and the Intermountain West region.   Our theme this year is “It’s a New Day in the Woods”, and the conference includes the latest advancements in the business along with a great opportunity to network with professionals that work in the industry every day.  We are also excited to welcome Blake Manley as our key note speaker.  Blake is the Sweet Home High School Natural Resources Teacher, Founder of Manley Jobs, and Chair of Oregon Natural Resources Educators Association.

  Regardless of how you fit in to the intermountain forest products industry, there is no doubt you have experienced many changes over the past decade.  These changes have created challenges and opportunities for each of us.  We hope that this year’s conference helps each of you to better take on the challenges and fully leverage the opportunities to be successful, much like every new day in the woods.

  I would like to sincerely thank our board and staff, exhibitors, sponsors, equipment dealers, and forest products companies for their support of the conference.  Without all of us working together, supporting this event, we wouldn’t be celebrating the 83rd year of this conference!

  Thank you for joining us at the conference in Spokane.  We look forward to seeing familiar and new faces, catching up on the past and future, and sharing some time together celebrating the great industry we are all a part of.


Bill Frings

2023 ILC President